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Showing posts from April, 2018

It's about time we figure out health care

This article really opened my eyes to what healthcare is really about... Money. I've been blessed with good insurance but even after paying more than $300 a month for the "good kind" of insurance, I still have to pay $800 or more out of pocket for certain things. So far, I haven't encountered a problem with being billed twice or getting charged for something that never happened, but this problem is happening more and more every year. The American Hospital Association created 'The Patient Bill of Rights' in the 1970's and amended it in 1992. This bill of rights was written so that people have the right to be treated properly no matter their financial situation and given the proper healthcare treatment. Since this was written, states have been given the ability to redefine and rewrite these rights, leaving our current rules in healthcare confusing. I strongly agree that there should be a financial bill of rights in healthcare for everyone so that patients k

Response to 'The American Theatre'

I absolutely agree with your blog post,  Guns don't kill students, students kill students . I think it's going to take a lot of work to get rid of and/or redefine the second amendment and if it IS ever amended, it's going to take a long time and an army to regulate the mass amounts of firearms in the U.S. In the meantime, friendliness can go a long way. I don't know if assigning counselors to students at school will exactly improve the attitudes of millions of kids but it couldn't do any harm. I also think this issue starts more with activities at home and how kids spend their free time. Children/teens look up to family members and if someone is a complete a**hole, they are more likely to develop that same attitude or eventually become depressed. Let's start by influencing good character at home and setting positive examples for youths.