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Is this wall worth it?

I strongly believe that building a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border would be a waste of time
and taxpayers money.There are a total of 1,954 miles along the U.S.-Mexico border altogether.
It roughly took 6 years to build the 653 mile long fence along parts of the border in Texas,
California, and Arizona. There are many predictions as to when this wall is going to start and
how long it will take to build, but so far the development has acquired problems such as angry
citizens, lawsuits, and budget issues.  According to, the plans have shuffled from
building a 30 ft high, 1,954 mile long wall to a more “modest” 722 mile long boundary and
simultaneously updating the current fencing that already exists. So far there have been 8 wall
prototypes built in a desert outside of San Diego California.

The biggest questions here are; Who’s going to pay for it? Who’s going to build it? Trump tried
trading legal status for 800,000 undocumented immigrants for a short term budget to start building
the wall, but shortly after rejected that idea. Up to now, the direction of this wall “solution” to keep
out illegal drugs and immigrants has only stirred the pot. When it comes down to it, if President Trump
really does go ahead with this plan, U.S. taxpayers are most likely the ones to pay.

Donald Trump is 71 years old and even though he’s ditched his McDonalds diet for healthier
options, I believe his time has a limit. By the time this wall is started and/or finished, Donald
Trump will most likely not be around the White House. I know there are a lot more politics that
go into this whole thing but I have hope that eventually our government and people will have
become more democratic and understand that building this wall will not fix any problems.


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