I strongly believe that building a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border would be a waste of time and taxpayers money.There are a total of 1,954 miles along the U.S.-Mexico border altogether. It roughly took 6 years to build the 653 mile long fence along parts of the border in Texas, California, and Arizona. There are many predictions as to when this wall is going to start and how long it will take to build, but so far the development has acquired problems such as angry citizens, lawsuits, and budget issues. According to fortune.com , the plans have shuffled from building a 30 ft high, 1,954 mile long wall to a more “modest” 722 mile long boundary and simultaneously updating the current fencing that already exists. So far there have been 8 wall prototypes built in a desert outside of San Diego California. The biggest questions here are; Who’s going to pay for it? Who’s going to build it? Trump tried trading legal status for 8...